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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Month of Monkus - July 2011

Since I'm sure you care, here's a summary of the past month's monkus...

June 28, 2011:  About a year ago, the MTA decided to get rid of the W train.  In it's place, they extended the Q into Astoria.  This means, when traveling uptown, the N, Q and R must all merge onto one track between 34th St. and 42nd St.  Inevitably, a bottleneck develops at 34th St. during rush hour.  Nothing is more annoying than riding an N or R as it pulls into the 34th St. station only to have to wait "for train traffic ahead".  Except then it becomes even more annoying as you realize you aren't just waiting for train traffic ahead.  You're also waiting for train traffic "behind."  Cause as you sit there on the local track, a Q will pull in on the opposite side and then leave for 42nd St ahead of you.  And you're still sitting there at 34th St...

June 29, 2011:  No Mr. Man-Walking-In-Front-Of-Me-Talking-On-His-Cellphone "heighth" is not a word.  I know it may be hard to believe.  Other measurements end in "th" like "depth", "length", "width", but "heighth" is not one of them.  It really is just "height."  Sorry, I do not acknowledge the excuse that in earlier centuries (as late as the 19th century) "heighth" was an accepted form of the word.  That's like saying it's okay to call your gynecologist a "nimgimmer" since that was an accepted term for a doctor who treated VD in the 19th century.

June 30, 2011:  Why must families on vacation in New York walk down the street in a single wide line?  Do they not realize that by taking up the full width of the sidewalk, they're acting like human road blocks for people (namely me) walking in the opposite direction?  I've got places to go people (as in home, to feed my finicky cat).

July 3, 2011:  Is it macaron or macaroon?  To me, macaroon is a coconut cookie, while macaron (like those I made above) is the soft shelled "sandwich" cookie (which incidentally could be coconut flavored).  I've found such indecision over the spelling/pronunciation of these cookies.  The worst case being the book Macarons by Berengere Abraham, in which the title uses the single "o" spelling, while every page within the book uses the "oo" spelling.  I mean at least be consistent within your own work, right?  I myself have taken to calling them macaroon-rons to cover both bases.

July 5, 2011:  I went to a restaurant recently that had a interesting and diverse drink menu, including a sake cocktail.  However, they chose to spell sake as "saki", which truly irked me.  The mispronunciation of sake (sah-kay) as sah-kee is one of my biggest pet peeves (is there something greater than a pet peeve, 'cause I would probably classify it as a few steps beyond pet peeve level).  But to then spell it incorrectly is just unpardonable to me (I did a little research, and as far as I can tell, "saki" is not an accepted spelling [I mean Google redirects to "sake"]).  Don't perpetuate ignorance.  Look up your shit.

July 6, 2011:  I'm not sure if I can monku about my own habit, but seriously I don't know what my problem is when it comes to elevator posture.  Basically, if there is available space, I WILL lean on the walls of the elevator.  Why can't I just stand up straight and not lean for the less than a minute ride?  I don't know.  I mean I don't lean against subway doors, and I stand on the subway for a much longer period of time.  Sometimes I don't understand my own laziness.

July 10, 2011:  Humidity is a bitch.

July 11, 2011:  If I buy origami paper, is it unreasonable to expect the paper to actually be square?  Isn't technology developed enough to cut a square piece of paper with equal length edges?

July 13, 2011:  Why is it that there are two British judges (Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne) on America's Got Talent (the name of the show itself deserves a grammar bitch daily monku)?  You mean to tell me Brits are a better judge of American talent than Americans?

July 14, 2011:  The last Harry Potter movie opens tomorrow.  So, in lieu of a written monku, see the video below for every time they ask a question for which the answer is "We have no idea!"

July 23, 2011:  When it's extremely hot outside, subway stations with their stagnant hot air are absolutely insufferable. I wish there were an easy solution to fix this problem. I would initially say incorporating more street grates could provide ventilation, but then you're just opening yourself up for a slew of questionable liquids raining down from above (spit, dog pee, spilled drinks... you get the idea). So it's either profuse sweating or a pee shower from a homeless man...

July 24, 2011:  I wait IN lines, not ON them.  I wish others (particularly those over here on the East coast) would learn to do the same.

July 27, 2011:  What is up with the article of clothing (if you can really call it that) called the "romper" (even the name is ridiculous, so ridiculous that I insist on enclosing it in quotes cause it can't seriously be called that)?  I honestly don't think it looks flattering on anyone.  It makes you look bloated around the middle with a short waist and emphasized thighs.  And what baffles me more is that a lot of women seem to think the "romper" is an acceptable replacement for a dress, meaning any event/occasion you might think a dress is appropriate, they now substitute it with the "romper".  Seriously...  Twenty years from now they're going to make fun of us for wearing these things and thinking they were fashionable (the same way we look at side ponytails with neon scrunchies and jewel toned t-shirt rings).

July 28, 2011:  Warning: this monku is a total nerd fest... readers (if they're any out there) beware...  I hate that Microsoft Access distinguishes between a null cell, an empty cell and zero length string.  What's the point?  I guess I can understand null vs. zero length string.  But how is an empty cell not null.  Or if the cell has been accessed, but not filled with a value, why is that not the same as having a zero length string in that cell.  I just don't get it.  It makes organizing data within the database much more annoying than it need be.

Daily Monku:  Seriously?  I have to come up with another one?

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