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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monku Monku

Screenwriter Jane Espenson has a really awesome (though no longer updated) blog about writing for television.  As a complete television geek, I find it really interesting to read from an "insider's" perspective what goes into crafting a television series.  How to develop characters.  How to plan plot.  How to generate humor.  And of course I believe and agree with most of her opinions on television writing, since she wrote for Buffy the Vampire Slayer (possibly the best television series ever in my opinion [no I will not give in to the trend and write "imo" and yes I did just add a parenthetical to a parenthetical]).

However, the most interesting thing about Jane's blog is the unique way she ends all of her posts by describing what she ate for lunch that day.  I enjoy the idea of a post "tag" (a tag is the final scene at the end of a tv episode that wraps everything up) so much that I've decided to create my own.

I don't want to rip off Jane's lunch tag.  That would be extremely un-creative of me.  Also, I tend to have soup or salad from my work cafeteria most days, which would make for a very boring lunch tag

No, I've settled on my own tag.  It's called the Daily Monku, ("monku" is Japanese for "complaint,"  as in "monku monku bakkari").  Sometimes legitimate complaints.  Sometimes ridiculous ones.  So I'm adding the Daily Monku at the end of each post, beginning today.

Daily Monku:  About a year ago, the MTA decided to get rid of the W train.  In it's place, they extended the Q into Astoria.  This means, when traveling uptown, the N, Q and R must all merge onto one track between 34th St. and 42nd St.  Inevitably, a bottleneck develops at 34th St. during rush hour.  Nothing is more annoying than riding an N or R as it pulls into the 34th St. station only to have to wait "for train traffic ahead".  Except then it becomes even more annoying as you realize you aren't just waiting for train traffic ahead.  You're also waiting for train traffic "behind."  Cause as you sit there on the local track, a Q will pull in on the opposite side and then leave for 42nd St ahead of you.  And you're still sitting there at 34th St...

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