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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rainbow Sugar Cookies Redux

A couple of weeks ago, I made rainbow sugar cookies for National Sugar Cookie Day.  The results were okay, but not great.  So I've attempted them again.  A few changes this time around, but same general concept.  Plus pictures to show the coloring and "log" making process.

Cookie Stats:
Cookie:  Basic rolled sugar cookie colored in pink, yellow and blue (and uncolored "white")
Decoration:  White, pink, yellow and blue sanding sugar around the edge

This time I tried to avoid over-mixing by individually combining portions of dough.  I started by preparing the full recipe of butter, sugar and eggs, then splitting it into four equal parts.  Each portion was combined with 1/4 the total amount of flour called for in the recipe.

This way, color can be incorporated as the dough is prepared instead of after the flour has been added.

I decided to go for smaller diameter cookies this time, so I rolled my dough "logs" to about 1/2" diameter.

The individual colored "logs" are combined into a single "log".

Then the "log" is twisted to create the spiral pattern.

The log needs to be refrigerated for a couple of hours before it can be sliced.  

To achieve the striped colored sugar rim, lay out rows of sanding sugar on a plate, and then roll the cookie slices perpendicularly across the sugar.

The resulting cookies are about 1" in diameter.  I like the smaller size of these cookies compared to my previous batch.  They're cute and bite sized and perfect as a small treat (that won't make you feel like you're over-indulging) (wow that sounds like I'm advertising one of those healthy-but-decadent snack treats).

Daily Monku:  When it's extremely hot outside, subway stations with their stagnant hot air are absolutely insufferable.  I wish there were an easy solution to fix this problem.  I would initially say incorporating more street grates could provide ventilation, but then you're just opening yourself up for a slew of questionable liquids raining down from above (spit, dog pee, spilled drinks... you get the idea).  So it's either profuse sweating or a pee shower from a homeless man...

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